Jaume Plensa

Field of Dreams

Galerie Lelong & Co., New York, is pleased to announce a suite of four new sculptures by Jaume Plensa currently on view at the Parrish Art Museum. Over the past 35 years, Jaume Plensa has created sculpture, most often destined for public spaces, that speaks to our common humanity. With Carlota (oak), Julia (oak), Laura Asia (oak) and Wilsis (oak), all from 2019, the artist unites his four best known monumental heads of young women reimagined as contemporary Dryads, the compassionate nymphs in Greek mythology who shape-shifted between human form and that of oak trees. Carved from oak trunk and cast in bronze, these works invite the viewer to join their quiet meditation and closed-eye reverie. 

The sculptures are presented in the museum's inaugural sculpture exhibition Field of Dreams, created to extend the galleries outdoors and activate the museum’s meadows with work that engages and responds to the Parrish’s architecture and landscape. The exhibition series is part of the museum’s new Art in the Meadow initiative that enlivens the grounds with performances, projections, and works of art.

For sales inquiries on Plensa’s work, please email art@galerielelong.com


August 20, 2020